About ShooDog.com
In the year 2015, realizing the world of opportunities offered to us by the advancements of the internet's WWW, Shoodog.com was formed by Zapatos llc, a brick and mortar warehouse outlet started in the late 70's in Boston's South End.
Today Zapatos llc is located in Lynn Mass.
At ShooDog.com we look to offer footwear & accessories at prices that combine quality & value with prices that are affordable to all.
We are continually modifying our site to make the shopping process as easy as possible for all of our customers.
Please be aware that many of our online items are cross-posted on multiple marketplaces, and may be subject to prior sale. Please accept our apologies for any disappointment and inconvenience this may cause you.
We welcome your questions about an item's availability prior to your purchase
We are available to answer your questions:
Monday-Friday 11:00am-5:00pm EST
Email: shoodog@mindspring.com
- We will greet our customers in a courteous and professional manner.
- We will listen effectively to our customers’ requests and promptly take the necessary actions to assist them.
- We will keep our customers informed of unexpected delays in service.
- We will inform our customers of normal process time, when they can expect completion and any delays that may arise in the process.
- We will touch base with our customers to update them as to where we are in the process.
- We will respond to website questions/requests within 24 hours during normal business hours.
So let the ShooDog fetch you great values on Brand Name footwear and accessories for your family, and friends!
About our Product